Begeleide boodschappenservice
With our help, you can purchase K-Pop, BTS, Boys Love (BL) and more exclusive, niche fandom goods from Asia. We have selected the most popular, wanted and trending products in China, Japan, Korea and Thailand and made them available on our site. But if you can't find what you're looking for or if you want a custom order, we're here to help with our Assisted Shopping Service!
Proxy Service
Our FUNIKI Team can purchase products for you from many online stores and online markets in Korea, Japan, Thailand, China and even USA. We can operate as a 'middle person' between you and the seller/shop/website.
We call this our Assisted Shopping Service. Another name for this service is a proxy service.
Chinese, Korean, Thai and Japanese shops
Some examples of the websites and online markets we can purchase items from:
FILA Korea
Soundwave, Power Station and M2U
BTS Japan Official Shop and Japan FC
LINE FRIENDS Official Store Japan, Korea and USA
JYP Online Store Japan and Korea
Pokémon Center Japan
Weverse Global, USA and Japan
Wechat, Taobao
And many other site
Please note that some products can already be purchased on our site. In that case, you can not purchase it through our Assisted Shopping Service, but here on our site.
How It Works
Fill out all the necessary details in our Assisted Shopping Service form and we will purchase the item for you!
After we purchase your order, it will be shipped from its respective country to our remote warehouse (we have warehouses in Japan, Korea, Thailand, China and USA).
From the remote warehouse, we can either ship your order directly to your home address or to our location in Europe first. In the case of the latter, your order at the remote warehouse will be shipped together with other customers' orders to us.
After your order has arrived at our location in Europe, we will ship the item to you!
Click here to fill out the Assisted Shopping Service Form |